You can support us
Direct donations to OpenArtSurgery Ltd
It all begins with an idea.
You can help by sharing this idea beyond Woodingdean.
We’re a Not-for-profit company.
Aiming for:
70% to patient services
30% to R&D and costs (health promotion games & related art development)
(Fundraising and running a non-profit company incurs some costs & fees - the above figures are after transaction fees, HMRC and taxes - which we aim to keep to a minimum)
Support options
Help us realise our Vision.
Spread the idea beyond Woodingdean - that’s where we want funding to come from.
We are just starting out on this journey and want to keep it simple.
We want as much of your support to be donated to patient services and research & development (R&D) of the ideas.
See below.
Donate directly to OpenArtSurgery Ltd (not-for-profit)
Choose the Crowdfunder to help us get started.
Choose the Patreon if you want to give us some ongoing support and have some early access to projects.
We are aiming for 70% of funding to go to patient services and 30% on R&D and costs.
(Fundraising and running a non-profit company incurs some costs & fees - the above figures are after transaction fees, HMRC and taxes - which we aim to keep to a minimum).
Crowdfunder option
We are planning a crowdfunder (link TBC) as an initial fundraiser. If you like the idea and want us to make it happen.
We are considering an OpenArtSurgery Patreon page (link TBC). If you like the idea of the OpenArtSurgery and want to support us.
Direct Donations
see link above